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Representative Agency With The Best Electrical Manufacturers In The Industry
Leviton Load Center is Making Homes More Resilient and Efficient
Leviton has teamed-up with Electrical Contractor Magazine to present a Webinar on the Leviton Load Center.
The webinar will cover features and benefits as they relate to the installer and electrical contractor.
Perhaps you have seen or heard about the revolutionary load center line that’s taking the electrical industry by storm… The Leviton Load Center!
Attend this webinar and learn why it’s the best solution in overcurrent protection. Along with tangible advantages, the webinar will also cover benefits for the installer and Electrical Contractor, like faster installation and how remote firmware updates can potentially reduce nuisance tripping call-backs.
You don’t want to miss this webinar!
Date Thursday, November 4
Time 12:00 PM EST
New Warehouse Now Shipping
Service Wire's new Phoenix distribution center is open and shipping now!